Doğal Taş Takı ve Aksesuarlar Doğal Taş Takı ve Aksesuarlar Doğal Taş Takı ve Aksesuarlar

Natural Stone Jewelry and Accessories



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Sertifikalı Safir Doğaltaş 3-4mm Kolye

Regular price 4,200.00TLSale price 4,000.00TL

Yeşim Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 2,600.00TL

Yemen Akik Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 6,700.00TL

Sodalit Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 2,100.00TL

Riyolit Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 3,500.00TL

Malakit Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 4,100.00TL

Lepidolit Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 2,600.00TL

Kunzit Doğal Taş Dizi Kolye 8 mm

Regular price 3,700.00TL

The Magical World of Natural Stones

Natural stones are precious stones that have been formed as a result of natural events for millions of years and each has its own unique color and texture. These stones are natural elements that are believed to contribute to both physical and spiritual health of people. Today, jewelry made from natural stones is widely used because it represents elegance and aesthetics.

History of Natural Stone Jewelry

The use of natural stones as jewelry is as old as human history. Many civilizations, from Ancient Egypt to China, from the Roman Empire to the Mayan civilization, believed in the power of natural stones and used them as ornaments.

Natural Stone Jewelry Sets

You can examine natural stone jewelry models and buy the most suitable natural stone jewelry for you at affordable prices.